The web site for Robert Buttrick and Project Workout Limited.
The web site for Robert Buttrick and Project Workout Limited
The web site for Robert Buttrick and Project Workout Limited


Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at Project Workout.

In search of project management principles. A new paper

Twenty two authoratative sources were analyzed to come up with 12 principles which all project sponsors, managers and their teams should comply with. Do you follow these? The study and outcome has been published in the Project Management Journal. See the introductory video.

July 2023 and a download copy of the accepted article.

Confused about all those standards and methods? Update to Project Workout App C

Are you confused about all those project management standards, methods and bodies of knowledge? Which ones should I use? What’s the difference? How can I use them? Then download and read the free updated appendix to The Project Workout and find your way through the jumble.


And, if you haven’t yet got a copy of The Project Workout, you can buy your copies of The Project Workout and/or The Programme and Portfolio Workout from Routledge.

Buy The Project Workout
Buy The Programme and Portfolio Workout
April 2023

New paper published on how agile is addressed in current standards

This paper, published in the PM World Journal (and also available from my articles page), examines how the term ‘agile’ and its derivatives are used in a range of standards and other authoritative project management related publications with a view to understanding and reconciling the apparent differences.  December 2022

Portfolios, programmes and projects in context - new paper published

This paper, published in the PM World Journal (and also available from my articles page), investigates the key similalrities and differences between porfolio, programme and project management. It aligns with the the approaches in my workout books which also align with BS6079, ISO 21500 series. GovS 002 and the AXELOS suite of standards. You might not agree and the debate will no doubt continue but this does work in practice and covers most other people, often more cnstraining, approaches.  November 2021

Editor's Choice Award 2020

tI am delighted to receive the Editor's Choice Award for 2020 for my article on governance, published last November in the PM World Journal.  If you haven't seen this magazine, I recommend you visit the site. It is an extraordinary and stimulating resource.  Many thanks to the editor, David Pell and his team. January 2021

An interview with Robert Buttrick on programme management

Journalist Yu Yanjuan interviews Robert to gain his views on programme management, where it's heading and what he believes are the principles which make it work. Published in December 2020 in PM Review. January 2021

Two new papers published in PM World Journal!

Two papers have been published in recent editions of the PM World Journal.  The first (November 2020) is about governance and looks at this is the widest sense and what it looks like in practice.. The second was published in December 2020 and is about determining the scope of your portfolio; a portfolio can have a lot more in it than just projects!  Both papers are adapted from The Programme and Portfolio Workout which has a fuller treatment of these subjects. The papers are avalable on the articles page.

January 2021

ISO 21502 launched - update to The Project Workout released

The latest international standard on project management was launched at the end of December 2020 four months ahead of schedule. Who would expect anything less for a project management standard! This means that Appendix C1 of The Project Workout needs a minor update, which I have released as an article 'An overview of the current standards'.  Even if you haven't got The Project Workout, you should find the article of interest as it compares the new ISO 21502 with its predessesor, ISO 21500:2012, BS6079:2019 and the UK government's project delivery standard, GovS002. Read the article or for more detail the blog.

January 2021

Companion website launched!

The companion website for theThe Programme and Portfolio Workout and The Project Workout has been released providing an interactive resource to help you get the most out of your books (but still useful even if you haven't bought the books!).

January 2021

New book launched! The Programme and Portfolio Workout

The Programme and Portfolio Workout, 1st edition launched! Read all about it or look at the introductory videos

August 2020

Top-down failure and other things - an interview with Robert Buttrick

Interview with Robert Buttrick from PM World Jornal.

August 2020

Project life cycles articles published

Two articles on project life cycles: one published in PM World Journal and the other written as a Whitepaper for AXELOS. See Articles

March 2019

New edition of The Project Workout published

A new, 5th edition of The Project Workout has been published which is a major update.  Read all about it or look at the introductory videos

August 2018

UK Government launches its project delivery standard

UK Government formally launches its GovS002, Project Delivery Functional Standard. Hear interviews with lead author Robert Buttrick and download the standard

August 2018

New edition of PRINCE2 launched

PRINCE2 2017 launched; co-authored by Robert Buttrick; you can download a free copy of his chapter on tailoring.

Project Workout News

In search of project management principles - a new paper.  See the NEWS and Videos pages.


Confused about standards and methods? Download the update to Appendix C of The Project Workout. See the NEWS page.


Articles on 'agile' and on portfolio, programme and project management published. See the NEWS page.


Editor's Choice Award for article on governance. See the NEWS page.


An interview on programme management and two new articles on portfolios and programmes published.

See the NEWS page to download them.


ISO 21502 launched - update to The Project Workout released

The latest international standard on project management was launched at the end of December 2020.  Read about it here.


The Programme and Portfolio Workout, 1st edition launched! Read all about it and look at the introductory videos and companion website


More detail see our NEWS page!


See the Project Workout blog covering a wide range of project management topics.

Companion website

Access the companion website to the The Programme and Portfolio Workout and the 5th edition of The Project Workout, including interactive process model and downloadable supporting documentation.

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(c) Copyright, Robert Buttrick 1997-2023