The web site for Robert Buttrick and Project Workout Limited.
The web site for Robert Buttrick and Project Workout Limited
The web site for Robert Buttrick and Project Workout Limited


Sometimes people don't want to read, so here are some short videos instead.

Three videos introducing the Workout books:

  1. How the latest books grew of the 4th edition on The Project Workout
  2. Introducing The Programme and Portfolio Workout, 1st edition
  3. Introducing The Project Workout, 5th edition

The project life cycle

A collection of two minute long mini-videos exploring different aspects of project life cycles.

In search of project management principles

This video introduces a paper published in the Project Management Journal. Twenty two authoratative sources were analyzed to come up with 12 principles which all project sponsors, managers and their teams should comply with. Do you follow these?

Project Workout News

In search of project management principles - a new paper.  See the NEWS and Videos pages.


Confused about standards and methods? Download the update to Appendix C of The Project Workout. See the NEWS page.


Articles on 'agile' and on portfolio, programme and project management published. See the NEWS page.


Editor's Choice Award for article on governance. See the NEWS page.


An interview on programme management and two new articles on portfolios and programmes published.

See the NEWS page to download them.


ISO 21502 launched - update to The Project Workout released

The latest international standard on project management was launched at the end of December 2020.  Read about it here.


The Programme and Portfolio Workout, 1st edition launched! Read all about it and look at the introductory videos and companion website


More detail see our NEWS page!


See the Project Workout blog covering a wide range of project management topics.

Companion website

Access the companion website to the The Programme and Portfolio Workout and the 5th edition of The Project Workout, including interactive process model and downloadable supporting documentation.

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(c) Copyright, Robert Buttrick 1997-2023